Wednesday, January 31, 2007


My daughter is being potty trained and gets to wear cute girlie panties! So one Sunday morning she actually comes into the living room and faced her backside towards me, pulled her cute girlie panties down and said "TAA DAA!"

What am I going to do with her??? :-)

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Assalamu Alaikum,

So hijabi keeps telling me that I need to update my blog, but I don't know what to say. I have been really blue lately. I am working on making some changes in my life to bring joy and Insha'Allah this will happen for me. I ask for you dua'a.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Assalamu Alaikum!

So I am back from my trip to Michigan and I had a really great time Alhamdulillah!! It was so good to see my family and friend, I swear it was therapeutic!

So let me ask you a question and please answer as honestly as you can. What is the benefit of being a Muslimah?

This question has been weighing heavily on my mind for the past couple of days! I mean before I got married and moved to the pacific northwest, I could answer that question. Now, I question it. I mean this religion just seem so chauvanistic to me as of late. I mean why can a man beat his wife lightly? Why if anyone was to prostrate to something other than Allah would it be a wife prostrating to her husband? I mean, I work just as many hours if not more than my husband, take care of the child, pay ALL of my own bills and am expected to still pay some of his too. why wouldn't he prostrate to me. I am so frustrated right now, I really need some help spiritually. Can anyone help me? :-(