Monday, February 26, 2007


So I am preparing for this big move. I have no place to live yet and I have no job and I am terrified!!!! I keep second guessing myself, but I really know I am doing what's right. Last night I couldn't sleep, because my nerves are so bad! Between the stress of leaving the state, and the numerous ER trips with my children, I am feeling overwhelmed. So do any of you know any dua's for when you are feeling a little afraid about a life change?

Friday, February 16, 2007

A Good Day!

As-Salamu Alaikum!

Today turned out to be a good day, well at least so far. Today was payday! And I got more tickets to visit Atlanta, GA today. Insha'Allah that is where I am relocating to next month.

Also today, a lady at work, that I have seen around but never spoke to asked me where can she take her Shahadah! That blew me away. Especially since I just emailed Hijabi and told her I was tired and I didn't want to go to the halaqa at the near by masjid tonight! So I invited her to the Masjid and she doesn't live to far away. So insha'Allah we will see her there tonight and maybe Allah has sent us a new sister!! Allahu Akbar!!

Also while praying Dhuhr today, I just was really grateful that I even get to pray at all. Alahamdulilah! praying Dhuhr really made my day, cuz I was kinda grumpy.

Thank you Hijabi for the nudge to update my blog :-)

Friday, February 02, 2007


As-Salamu Alaikum!
Wow, I think I have updated my blog like 2 or 3 times this week, that is HUGE for me! So As some of you know I have been kinda down about my current marriage and my iman has been way, way, way, scary low!!! But Alhamdulilah I am going to break out of this, Insha'Allah! Today, I bought my airline tickets out of here. Insha'Allah I will be moving to a place where I can build my Iman and feel free again! Please keep me in your dua'a!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

What's your Opinion!

I have been wondering lately.......Is the "traditional" way of wearing hijab, you know abayas, jilbabs, long scarves is this way of dressing ordered to women by Allah or preferred by Muslim men? Or did Allah just want us to be modest in our dress. What do you think?