Sunday, March 25, 2007


So right now I am at my friends house, typing this eating cheetos ( sorry hijabi, not the light skinned one ;-) Alhamdulilah it's a beautiful day, my oldest child and my middle child are out doors playing an my youngest is nappy! I have lunch with my sister, so far it's been a great day. Alhamdulilah!! I am so grateful for this!

so I know it's been a while since we have talked, so here's an update. I did find place in Atlanta! I love it there, there are a ton of Muslims there, as hijabi would say it feels like hajj!!! So Insha'Allah my children and I will be heading there early this week. Make dua for us, I am driving from Michigan to Georgia by myself with 3 children!!

Right now I am in Michigan and it so nice to be amongst family and friends and to feel loved and welcomed. That's how it feel in Georgia for me too. I never felt that way in Seattle. So am so happy to be here and I am very thankful to Allah for allowing me to make there drastic changes in my life. I also pray that he makes this transition easy for my children in I.

So once I'm in Atlanta and get settle I will blog again!


Organica said...

Yay. Glad to hear from you.

Hijabi Apprentice said...

Asalaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu,

Dearest Naturally,

First of all *mwah* a big huge salaam kiss and hug to you!!! Why you gotta tell my light skinned cheetos business!!! LMHO!

I am happy that you are happy! I miss you and love you! Insha Allah I'll talk to you soon :)

ma'a salaamah,


Naturally Muslimah said...

Thank you Organic I have missed you! Insha'Allah I will be able to stay in touch!

Naturally Muslimah said...

Hijabi! what's up home girl! I am happy to finally feel happy Alahamdulilah! We must talk soon.

LMHO, I like to tell your little funny secrets!!!!

I love you girl!