I'm so excited!
I am going home to see my mommy!!! I'm am so excited!! We leave late Sunday night and we will arrive in "The D" (detroit) early monday morning. I have not seen my family in almost a year and I just can't wait to hug and kiss them. Man I never thought I could miss a group of people this much man!!! I also get to visit the Masjid that I took my shahada and visit all those sisters there. I get to celebrate the Eid with them insha'Allah!!! I can't really express how happy I am. Insha'Allah the weather will be safe for travel and my children and I will arrive safely. Please keep us in your dua'aa.
ok, heres a big stress reliever for me. I have really been dealing with alot of stress lately and I feel like I have been on the brink of going insane, but the one thing that calms me down is hearing my children pray! Masha'Allah it just calms my heart!! I wish I could put it on here so you all can hear it. My 2 year old little girl, just sounds so sweet and when she hears Al Fatiha she only says the words she knows but she is really starting to pick it up. Now if I could just potty train her! My two year old also thinks that every book is the Quran so she'll pick up any book and say "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" She is so sweet. My 1 year old little boy, is starting to make salat too. They are so adorable to me.
So since I will be traveling I may not be keep up with my blog, but Eid Mubarak to you all and may Allah bless us with this Eid.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Sunday, December 17, 2006

What kind of yarn are you?

You are Merino Wool.You are very easygoing and sweet. People like to keep you close because you are so softhearted. You love to be comfortable and warm from your head to your toes.
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Friday, December 15, 2006
Seven Things I want to do in life:
2. be a good muslimah
3. die with the shahada on my lips ( I got this from Sketched Soul)
4. watch my children become adults and make me a grandmother
5. inspire people
6. own a home with big yard and a nice porch with a rocking chair on it
7. make a difference in at least one persons life
Seven Things I can do:
1. ride a bike (hijabi can't LMHO!!)
2. Make people laugh
3. Love
4. Talk on the phone til the cows come home
5. be a good listener
6. rock my babies to sleep
7. sing twinkle twinkle little star all night long with my 2 year old daughter
Seven Things I can’t do:
1. watch scary movies
2. french braid/cornrow
3. deal with drama queens
4. turn my back on my family and friends no matter what they do to me
5. double dutch
6. roller blade
7. drive a stick shift
Seven things I say the most:
1. that's bananas
2. Here's the head cracker
3. that's stupid
4. Geez mo christmas
5. for real
6. bless your little heart ( i get that from my grandmother)
7. God willing and the creek don't rise (grandma again!)
Seven Things that attract me to the opposite sex:
1. I love a well groomed beard and full lips
2. honesty
3. good sense of humor
4. the desire to WANT to take care of me
5. intellect
6. nice smile
Seven Celebrity Crushes: (ok some of these are old)
1. MICHEAL JACKSON ( who didn't)
2. Al B. Sure
3. Ralph Tresvant
4. Denzel Washington
5. Common
6. B. Cole ( he's a comedian out of chicago, you probably don't know him but he was a celebrity to me!)
7. Busta Rhymes ( I even met him and kissed him once a LOOONG time ago!)
Now that was fun, you try and let me know!
Seven Things I want to do in life:
2. be a good muslimah
3. die with the shahada on my lips ( I got this from Sketched Soul)
4. watch my children become adults and make me a grandmother
5. inspire people
6. own a home with big yard and a nice porch with a rocking chair on it
7. make a difference in at least one persons life
Seven Things I can do:
1. ride a bike (hijabi can't LMHO!!)
2. Make people laugh
3. Love
4. Talk on the phone til the cows come home
5. be a good listener
6. rock my babies to sleep
7. sing twinkle twinkle little star all night long with my 2 year old daughter
Seven Things I can’t do:
1. watch scary movies
2. french braid/cornrow
3. deal with drama queens
4. turn my back on my family and friends no matter what they do to me
5. double dutch
6. roller blade
7. drive a stick shift
Seven things I say the most:
1. that's bananas
2. Here's the head cracker
3. that's stupid
4. Geez mo christmas
5. for real
6. bless your little heart ( i get that from my grandmother)
7. God willing and the creek don't rise (grandma again!)
Seven Things that attract me to the opposite sex:
1. I love a well groomed beard and full lips
2. honesty
3. good sense of humor
4. the desire to WANT to take care of me
5. intellect
6. nice smile
Seven Celebrity Crushes: (ok some of these are old)
1. MICHEAL JACKSON ( who didn't)
2. Al B. Sure
3. Ralph Tresvant
4. Denzel Washington
5. Common
6. B. Cole ( he's a comedian out of chicago, you probably don't know him but he was a celebrity to me!)
7. Busta Rhymes ( I even met him and kissed him once a LOOONG time ago!)
Now that was fun, you try and let me know!
Thursday, December 14, 2006
A Story about Sincerity
Ibrahim ibn Adham, who was famous Muslim scholar long ago, was once asked an interesting question:
A group of people came to him and one of them quoted an ayah from the Qur’an that says, “Call on Me and I will answer your prayer.” (40:60)
Then person asked the Muslim scholar, “We pray to Allah, but why are we not answered?”
The scholar said to them, “You know about Allah, yet you don’t obey Him. You read the Holy Qur’an, yet you don’t act according to it. You know how bad Shaytan is, yet you have joined with him. You say that you love the Messenger of Allah sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam, yet you abandon his sunnah. You declare that you love Paradise, you don’t do anything to obtain it. You declare you’re afraid of the fire, yet you don’t keep yourselves from committing sins. You agree that we will all die, yet you are not prepared for it. You’re busy finding faults with others, yet you don’t look at your own faults with others, yet you don’t look at your own faults. You eat the food Allah provided for you, yet you don’t thank Him and you bury your dead, yet you don’t take any lesson.
Assalamu Alaikum Blogger Family. It's been a while since I have posted, I have been on an emotional roller coaster these past few weeks. Insha'Allah everything will work out fine. I've missed you.
Ibrahim ibn Adham, who was famous Muslim scholar long ago, was once asked an interesting question:
A group of people came to him and one of them quoted an ayah from the Qur’an that says, “Call on Me and I will answer your prayer.” (40:60)
Then person asked the Muslim scholar, “We pray to Allah, but why are we not answered?”
The scholar said to them, “You know about Allah, yet you don’t obey Him. You read the Holy Qur’an, yet you don’t act according to it. You know how bad Shaytan is, yet you have joined with him. You say that you love the Messenger of Allah sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam, yet you abandon his sunnah. You declare that you love Paradise, you don’t do anything to obtain it. You declare you’re afraid of the fire, yet you don’t keep yourselves from committing sins. You agree that we will all die, yet you are not prepared for it. You’re busy finding faults with others, yet you don’t look at your own faults with others, yet you don’t look at your own faults. You eat the food Allah provided for you, yet you don’t thank Him and you bury your dead, yet you don’t take any lesson.
Assalamu Alaikum Blogger Family. It's been a while since I have posted, I have been on an emotional roller coaster these past few weeks. Insha'Allah everything will work out fine. I've missed you.
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