Monday, November 20, 2006

Purification of the Heart

When one seriously reflects on God's perfect watch over His creations, the countless blessings He sends down, and then considers the kind of deeds one brings before Him - what possible feelings can one generate except humility and degrees of shame? With these strong feelings, one implores God to change one's state, make one's desires consonant with His pleasure - giving up one's design for God's designs. This is pure courtesy with respect to God, a requisite for spiritual purification. ~ from purification of the heart

currently I am reading "Purication of the Heart signs, symptoms and cures of the spiritual disese of the heart Translations and commentary of Iman al-Mawlud's Matharat al-Qulub" By Hamza Yusuf. This book is amazing and I will be sharing more that I learn with you, Insha'Allah.

1 comment:

Sketched Soul said...

As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dear sister,

It's on my book list... now to actually get to it..hehe

I look forward to reading more from you, about it :)
