Friday, August 15, 2008

........................... just venting

So my life has been so crazy for a while now, but Masaha'Allah things are starting to slow down and become "normal". But during the craziness chapter, I got a ticket on the day of my wedding no doubt. First off, I was sorta homeless when I got married and like all of my belonging and my children's belonging were in my van, so you can imagine the embarrassement of not having a place for my new husband to sit in the van. But Alhamdulillah we got over that, but then shortly after that I got pulled over by the police and a ticket for having a busted headlight! SubhanaAllah, the day of the signing of my Nikkah was banana's, I have only told you part of all the craziness, I'll save that for another post.

OK. So fast forward to today. I have a court date for this ticket on I believe the 19th of this month but my husband says the 18th, Allahu Alim. So my husband tells me to get the ticket. So I got to my purse, to get my wallet, where I KNOW the ticket is and ............NO TICKET! So my zawj says look in the purse, so I look in the purse and ................ NO TICKET! SubhanAllah where the heck is this thing. So then my wonderful zawj, who is sooo good to me Masha'Allah says, I thought you had it together better than that!!

Yo like I was just the bag lady a month ago when you married me. Give me second to unpack and get it together! was the thought that came to my mind, but I just said. OK honey go to sleep, I'll take care of it in the morning.

So how am I gonna find this ticket!


gingermuffin said...

Salam! I just found your blog today through Google Blogs and I've been through all your archives...masha'Allah you've come a long way sister! And as for the missing ticket,pray "Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un" and insha'Allah you'll find it!

Loads of love,

MS Rizal said...

salam. It's nice to see your blog. Well done. And keep it writing. Hmm.. Are you from Malaysia?

muslimah4life said...

salaam sister

just u still sell hijab pins???

Jazak ALlah khair


Naturally Muslimah said...

As Salaamu Alaikum,

Jazaaki Allahu Khairn Tuba, but I still didn't find the ticket, but I called and court date was moved til 12/29/08!! SubhanAllah!

Ms Rizal, no I'm american, do I "sound" malaysian? (smile)

Muslimah4life, with so much going on, I have not had the chance to get more pins but insha'Allah I'll get/make more soon.

Shukran for stopping by my blog!