Friday, October 13, 2006


4 am, i give salams to my husband and oldest son as they head out the door to the Masjid. the babies (ages 1 yr and 2 yrs) Alhamdulilah are still sleeping. the house is quiet as i prepare for salat, before i knew it my eyes fill with tears, i am grateful to be able to come to Allah in prayer, and it's just me and Him!! I make salat, dikhr, dua'aa. now the tears are really pouring. do you ever just get moved by the mercy of Allah? do you ever just get overwhelmed with gratitude? well i did.

i read a book once and the author said that people lie to God everyday in there thoughts, actions and prayers. wow, the thought of that statement still blows my mind. but what really amazes me is that with all the lies being told, Allah (swt) still tells the sun to rise! As ungrateful as human beings are Allah still provides us with air to breath and food to eat. but we don't care we expect that of God, we expect him to raise us in the morning and keep of safe all day and put us to bed at night. how many times do you say thank you. it's amazing to me that Allah, as ungrateful as humans are still tells the sun to rise. He is so merciful. i am so grateful.

i am grateful this moring and every morning that my eyes open, i am grateful, that Allah loves me inspite of my flaws, i am grateful to have 3 beautiful children, to have a husband, to have food and shelter, i am grateful to have people in my life that truly love me, i am grateful to have salat, i am grateful to have hijab to protect me, i am grateful that Allah has filled this world with so much beauty for us to enjoy.

so today insha'Allah i pray that we all are grateful and that we all can take a momment in our day to just thank Allah.


Sketched Soul said...

As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dear sister,

Such a beautiful post. Masha'Allah.

That is very interesting: "people lie to God everyday in there thoughts" ... and something to really think about! Thank you for sharing this.

AlhumduliLlah :)


Hijabi Apprentice said...

Asalaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu,

Dear Naturally,

Masha Allah! Fabulous post. I am often overwhelmed with gratitude. It is so humbling when we realize how much Allah has blessed us! Subhana Allah.

ma'a salaamah,

ha aka hmic ;)

Anonymous said...

As'salamu alaikum Naturally :)

Ahh. I love this post. SubhanAllah. I can tell this is from the heart. Because a heart that fears Allah and loves him, doesn't know how to lie. Allah enjoys hearing poor us pray to him, begging for his forgiveness.

Alhumdulilah that we say Alhumdulilah. Alhumdulilah that ALlah has chose us to love him. Alhumdulilah that Allah loves us. ALhumdulilah that I have met you dear sisters and feel that there is still good in our Ummah.

Alhumdulilah. La ilah Ila Allah.

Muslimah By Design said...


And theres something else I heard on radio which is an aayat from the Quraan:
"Donot doubt in the mercy of Allah"
And the speaker was actually saying that we are sinning if we lose faith in Allah, which we sometimes do. In fact sometimes i feel so guilty to keep asking Allah for stuff because I feel so unworthy of all His favours. He gives us so much and I feel so bad to ask for more- but actually this aayat taught me that Allah is the final judger and He will decide who to give and when. We must keep the faith, Inshallah.

Thanks for a beautiful conversation.

Keeping the faith,

Muslimah By Design said...

Also something I heard on radio was an aayat from Quraan “Donot doubt in the mercy of Allah” – which sometimes we do without even realising it. What the speaker was saying is that if we do doubt Allah its actually a sin! Sometimes I feel so bad to ask Allah for stuff that I want because I feel so worthless and undeserving- Allah has given me so much so how can I ask for more? But then this aayat gives me hope that Allah is the final judger and he can give and take to whoever he wants – we must not despair in his mercy for he is the Most Compassionate, the Most Giving. He will give and take and we must have faith in this, Inshallah.

Keeping the faith,