Monday, June 25, 2007

Have you ever felt this way?

I have been experiencing some Iman growth lately ( Alhamdulilah) I don't know if you have read some of my previous post and the Iman was not so high. But I have had some pretty major changes occur in my life in the last 3 months that have resulted in me being in a completely different environment. In this new environment I have really been able to learn about this religion and following the sunnah of our Prophet (sallalahu alayhi wa sallam) and I have really been learning a lot about Tawheed. But I feel like the more, I learn and the more my Iman grows, the more I feel distance from my non Muslim family and friends. I talked to a really close friend about these feeling a few weeks ago and she says she feels the same way.

So a childhood friend of mine has invited me to her babies baptism, I really don't want to go. I don't want to stand there IN A CHURCH no doubt and watch her baby be baptised. Not that I don't think she should have it done, If that is her believe than fine. But it is not mine. I don't want to hurt her feelings but I want to be true to my own feeling and beliefs. More and more I am feeling that it is more important to please Allah, than my friends. So what happens now?


Muslimah By Design said...

For everything we do we must answer the question "Will Allah be pleased with me?" That always helps me decide what to do...

There are other ways to get around the baptism thing for example show interest in your friend and ask her to explain the whole process to you...visit her afterwards..take some gifts..if shes a good friend shell understand why you cant be in the church but that you still care about her and the baby in other ways
Inshallah :)

Naturally Muslimah said...

As Salaamu Alaikum Muslimah4life,

Thank you so much for this advice. And I am going to just get the baby gift and bring it another time. Jazak Allah Khairn.


Hijabi Apprentice said...

Salaams Boo Love,

I know I'm late and this is probably a moot point but here goes. If you don't feel comfortable going to a church I would just tell her that and insha Allah she'll understand.

For me personally I have been to church several times for specific reasons (a fundraiser, an interfaith program, a wedding) since converting and it doesn't bother me. Actually I think it was a perfect passive dawah opportunity for me. I had tons of people ask me lots of questions about my faith, why I covered etc.

Just my two cents!

ma'a salaamah,


Naturally Muslimah said...

Thank you boo love for that two cents! I just don't feel comfortable with it. I know this friends family and I know they will try and take this opportunity as a "let's save this poor muslim girl". And I am just not feeling that these days.
