Thursday, June 21, 2007

Today I seen a blog that said "Allah remembers us even when we don't remember him". That's deep huh?

Ok So I talked to Hijabi about this yesterday and I want to formulate a email or flyer that is titled "Some things you should know when you work with a Muslim"! ok, so here's what I would put on that list:

1) Muslim's do not eat pork, so please don't offer me a hot dog at the company cook out
2) If I am a Muslim women and you are a man, please don't shake my hand and don't be offended when I won't shake yours
3) Muslims don't drink Alcohol or condone it, so I don't want to sit at LUNCH with you, while I am wearing hijab and your having a Martini, nor do I want to come to the bar with you after work
4) Yes I really do pray 5 times a day and sometimes I pray here, so please don't be alarmed by this.
5) Please don't tell me I look like a nun or refer to my scarf as "head gear"

Did I miss anything? what would you add?

ok, I just started a new job and these people don't know A THING ABOUT MUSLIMS and sometimes it annoys me :-)


Hijabi Apprentice said...


That is hilarious. Headgear is funny.

ma'a salaamah,


Naturally Muslimah said...

hijabi you remember when that women said that to me?

Anonymous said...

Salam alaikum, That's what my father calls it

Naturally Muslimah said...

Walaikum Salam
OH NO! Muslim flower please tell he he does not say head gear! That's too much!! LMHO!!!


Hijabi Apprentice said...

I guess as long as they don't call it a "rag" I'm fine.

Completely off topic naturally I got a little story you'll appreciate. My parents (the Parental Units) tell me we are going to my aunt's house and I had on some scrubs and a shirt because I thought we were going to do some gardening. My dad was like don't wear your work clothes over there. So I thought he meant put on regular clothes. I change into a 2 piece flowing skirt outfit with a matching scarf only to find my parents in gardening clothes! I said I thought you said don't wear work clothes and they said we meant your work uniform. I change into appropriate gardening clothes.

Well later on my mom chuckles and I ask her why. She says you came out of your room with clothes that you'd wear to.....what is it called when you go to the mosque on Fridays and I said prayer?? She was like no the other word and I said juma'a. She started laughing and said you were dressed up like you were going to juma'a to do gardening. I'm like oh you got jokes! :o/

Can you believe that woman LOL!

ma'a salaamah boo love

Naturally Muslimah said...

LMHO, your parents are hilarious!!!!

Muslimah By Design said...

Some other rules

- Dont expect me to stay till late at your little dinner parties, I dont dance, listen to your music or find any of that in the least bit entertaining. I do enjoy however watching you make fools of yourselves when you are drunk!!
- Dont expect me to hug you (guys) for your birthday etc- We can communicate just fine by talking
- Dont feel sorry for me when I am wearing long sleeves in the blazing sun while you shed of your clothes,I feel just fine, thanks
- Dont think that I am out of fashion for not wearing skimpy clothes or tight clothes, I can look just as great in "decent" clothes
- Please dont judge Islam by the rest of the muslims here who dont wear scarves, who dance and act like you...thats not Islam

hehehe, i love this lol..sometimes I feel so alone being the only PRACTISING muslim in my department..its so good to know that there are others out there going through the same thing :)

Naturally Muslimah said...

LMHO!!! Muslimah4life those are great! Maybe we could put this list together and give it to our HR departments!! LMHO!!


Sketched Soul said...

As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barkatuhu my dear sister,

Long time since I've stopped by, sorry :(

Hehe.. this is a very interesting post!

Don't forget, all your actions are a form of da'wah. So in a sense.. it's not so bad they don't know a thing about Muslims.. because insha'Allah what ever they see you do (like wear hijab, pray, etc.) you'll be rewarded for :)

Love Farhana

Naturally Muslimah said...

As Salaamu Alaikum Farhana!
I'ved missed you!! You are so right. I have to remind myself of the dawah in all of this! Thank you for that reminder!
