Saturday, June 02, 2007


Alhadmulilah Rabil Alamin!! I am so grateful to Allah that I cannot put it into words! Things are slowly but surely starting to change for me and my children. Allah has blessed us tremendously, I am working now!!! I actually have a job and I paid my May rent and I will be able to pay June! All of the things that I could not do in the previous post Allah has changed, I can feed my children, I can afford gas, I can take my children to the park. Alhamdulilah, Allah has placed sisters in my life that have really help keep my iman up during that rocky time. I am thankful for that. All the sisters who left me words of encouragement, Jazak Allah Khairn! I didn't post them cuz some of them were personal to me. But I needed those words of encouragement.

I think the biggest news that I have to report, is that I have learned that EVERYTHING COMES FROM ALLAH!! And I cannot do anything, no matter how big or how small with out Allah! I am so grateful.

Insha'Allah I will be able to keep in touch more now!


Organica said...

Alhumdulilah ukhti

I have been worried.

May Allah bless you. Allah is Kareem.

Hijabi Apprentice said...

Alhamdulillah indeed!



Naturally Muslimah said...

Thank you Organic, but no need to worry, Allah works everyhing out.

I have missed you and your blog.

Hijabi, you know i have missed you too!


Safa said...
